Hello and thanks for the replies Perth and Gabs and Josie!
Whatever happened to Lady? Does anyone know?
Be talking to you all through the holidays - enjoy what you can and seize the hour!
Glad that you are doing better and thank you for your support!
We wish you a speedy recovery and know that your support and knowledge has been missed :)
Happy Holidays!
Josie, Support Specialist
Hi Daily Llama,
I'm glad seeing your message as I really worried about you not finding any comments from you for a longer time...
It 's good, you are coming out from this infection now and getting better.
thank you for your encouraging - actually I really do not feel like being able to say why I'm feeling so bad or what exactly I feel... but working on it diligently ..
take care and hear you soon
Welcome back D.L.
Your posts have been greatly missed.
So sorry to hear that you have been so sick, i hope that the anti-biotics are doing their job and you are resting and taking good care of yourself.
If you are still fuzzy headed maybe you may need a second course, if the infection is still there it could raise its ugly head a second time.
Be careful and take no chances.
I wish you a speedy revovery and a Happy Christmas and hope that you are well enough to enjoy your Christmas lunch.
We know how you love you food. Take care.
Hello you beautiful people!
I've missed talking to you for weeks now. I got an early Christmas present of a bacterial infection in the lungs and was bed-ridden until a day ago when I was three days into anti-biotics. Talk about depressing?! I haven't been sick like that ever before and, at one point, I thought I wasn't going to make it at home and came very close to calling an ambulance...
Anyway, I've been recuperating over the last few days and I have been reading all the posts to the various threads and wishing I had the energy to add my penny's worth. I won't mention any specific names but you ladies know who you are! You're tough and courageous and you battle your demons with audacity and sound judgement. You are creating yourselves anew everyday and it blows my mind that you can communicate your pain and confusion and your various solutions to one of the most debilitiating illnesses in the world!
I'm still kind of fuzzy headed and weak so I can't say all that I want to say right now. So, I am wishing you good times over the Christmas and New Year's and I'll be back on here more frequently over the holidays...
Welcome to all our new members ---remember to talk a lot and describe what is hurting you in detail.. We all understand the pain and frustrations and we can and will help...
love to you all OXOXOX
Much love and affection to our Good Counsellors too!