Hi gabs,
Thanks for this question. Great to hear that you are working through the program.
For anyone else who may have similar concerns with this step, I will recap some of the information regarding the scheduling of pleasant activities.
According to some experts, depression is caused by a lack of pleasant activities. What are pleasant activities? Pleasant activities are simply things you like to do.
The basic idea is that when people are not depressed, their lives are made up of a wide variety of activities, some pleasant and positive, some unpleasant and negative, and some neutral. According to the theory, in order to be “happy” you need to have at least some positive activities in your life. Also, people stay depressed because they have at least the usual share of unpleasant activities but not enough pleasant activities. One of the solutions to overcoming depression is to try to schedule more positive and pleasant events in your life; this will help to get the balance between pleasant and unpleasant activities closer to what it is for people who aren’t depressed.
We know from all of the research evidence and all of our experience working with depressed people that attempting to engage in pleasant activities is an important part of the effective treatment of depression.
Keep in mind, we’re not asking you to “have fun.” We are simply asking you to do an experiment and see what happens. Try doing something that used to give you pleasure and see what happens to your mood.
Some people make a distinction between activities that bring pleasure and activities that give a sense of accomplishment. Some activities are performed for pure pleasure such as going to a movie, taking a bubble bath, wiggling toes in the sand or basking in the sun. Other activities aren’t so pleasant to do but when you finish them you feel good because you get a sense of accomplishment or control over a situation. For example, cleaning the kitchen floor or tidying up a closet may not be exactly “fun,” but you can feel “good” or “better” after having done a small job because you can feel like you have accomplished something.
Gabs, as your planned activity makes you feel better afterwards, then you can most definitely use this as a pleasant activity as it pleasure associated with your achievements and accomplishments.
Hope this helps to clarify a bit more of the program for you. Remember to take the steps slow and make each of the activities as meaningful as possible to you personally.
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The DC Support Team