Hi everyone.. have had a difficult time lately because of anxiety attacks to do with fear of death, in the night especially and it disturbs my sleep. I become aware that I am going to die and there is nothing I can do to stop it, its the realisation and it terrifies me. I sob and shiver through the night(quietly, so baby doesn't hear me)the fragility of human life and all the endless misery of what goes on in the world,my little girl that I have to leave behind one day.I feel paralysed by it all this agony... has anyone read philip larkin's poem "aubade"? well thats the feeling I mean. I am so terrified I am afraid to sleep and when I do the nightmares are awful. dead animals and vicious dogs trying to get to me, i dream of my father a lot too, that i can see him but he cant find me. I feel horribly locked inside my own head and have really noone to talk to. literally noone I see my students every day but I am hardly going to break down and talk about my fathers death, my divorce ,my ptsd and my illness with them, it really scares people off, my friends don't call or have time for me anymore. I have never been so isolated in my life and it is the hardest time I have ever had.I see no future, i see nothing and live from day to day, hour to hour, I hide all this from my baby girl because I don't want this to affect or hurt her in any way but I don't see a way out anymore. i used to be able to think of the future and visualise it. now there is just a blank.I have been on Effexor for four months and it helps, i don't know what would have happened to me if I had not been on it. this fear of death and fear of my daughter dying is terrible, my bed looks like a grave to me.you couldn't tell from the outside that there is anything the matter with me, but I am really scared right now..I am being strong on the outside but I don't know for how long.I call people for help but no one wants to know.it seems easy to just let go and give it up, if I wasn't so scared to death I would do it.I feel like the most worthless waste of space. I loath what i see in the mirror and I don't want to be like this but Its like an engine has started and can't seem to stop.