You're right, bang on right, and I know it. I have been trying since my summer counselling to do things for me (girls nights, nights with my kids, time for me) and this causes HUGE friction in my marriage because my husband believes that I am doing everything I wanted him to stop doing.
My husband however, would go out with friends, get really drunk (at home alone he would do this as well all the time) and end up being left somewhere alone because he was a jerk to his friends, or end up on the dance floor with some "new girls" or some bar would come looking for him (which he never remembered being at) because he left a tab unpaid. Two years of pulling the blended family together, of fighting for his son (who lives in another province) to come and visit and be a part of our family...hubby does NOT understand that it is his DRINKING that affected how I felt about his being out all the time, etc. He is reading AA books and has gone to a couple meetings but refuses to give up alcohol all together. He doesn't feel I deserve to be angry and frustrated and depressed because "he's changing".
I need to vent to someone about an example of my daily life. Obvsiously Monday night was not good - the depressive state and thoughts were scary for me. Last night after work I went home and just crawled into my pjs for a long talk with my mom. Hubby walks in just before the conversation ends and overhears me giving an example to my mom about a typical day and me saying I know I have to start slowing down...once off the phone hubby FREAKS out with me saying I never told my parents that he had helped on the day I gave as an example by coming home and feeding my oldest lunch in between running around...he didn't understand the conversation had nothing to do with him. He went on to ask what bleeping movie I wanted to watch and I said I just didn't care - put one in (I was feeling shocked, tired, drained, and had NO energy to deal with his anger and how he'd turned into the victim all of a sudden) and he threw them, got mad that I don't care about anything anymore and that I was using my "being tired" as an excuse to get out of my marriage and give up on trying to be a happily married couple. This went on for the entire night so I got little sleep. I stopped talking, let him yell, then I was in trouble for that too...I just didn't have the energy to fight, to try to make him understand that he was being unbearable, etc.
I made an appointment with the family doctor to see him about my meds (Effexor) today and go get blood tests (thyroid, adrenal glands, etc) as well to start taking some of the biological possibilities out of this equation. Then I get to see my children tonight and have the night (alone) with them (they are at their dad's three days a week)...that is what is getting me through today.