Please know that you are not alone. Many, including your fellow members, struggle with changes in medications.
We encourage you to talk to your pharmacist, he/she will be able to give you a better idea of what symptoms you can expect in the days to come.
We also encourage you to keep your doctor apprised of the symptoms you do experience. He/she is the best authority to guide you through this transition.
Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
Have just returned from a very stressful appointment with my G.P.
My consultant has requested that I change my medication from
lopeframine and clonazepam to venlafaxine.
My G.P. has given me the prescription with the throw away remark that "if I want to throw my life away". I have had horrible withdrawel symptoms from the clonazepam and cant cope with more side effects from the venlafaxine but need to get well. Now I dont know what to do.
on top of it all I got a parking ticket outside the doctors.
This was supposed to be a simple visit to the G.P. surgery and now
I am feeling so bad. Sorry for the outburst
just feel so alone and helpless