Thanks everyone,
As I said, I have been haunted by this. The image of a broken china doll, or perhaps a broken mirror, seems appropriate for the words.
We all do have mountains to climb. Often people throw rocks in the road whether they mean to or not. Maybe I throw some at my fellow climbers without knowing it.
I know one should always aim as high as one can. Aim for the stars. You won't get there unless you do. But if the result of aiming for the stars is that when you miss them, you crash and burn, should someone still let you aim that high? Shouldn't they tell you that - hey - you just can't get there!!! There is a myth - Greek or Roman - about someone who wanted to fly, and had I think used feathers to help him to do so - but was cautioned not to fly too high. He did anyway and the sun destroyed his wings and he fell to his death. So - should we not be told about the dangers of flying too high?
Devil's advocate.
I know I double and triple think commitments I make - what will happen if I'm too depressed to follow through? But I am told by some people close to me that I can't live my life based on what might happen. Do I have the right to knowingly take a chance I will let others down? And I'm talking professionally here, not failing to take Rover for a walk today.
Where do I draw the line? Do I draw the line at all? Do I just assume I will be fine all the time - unrealistic. No one is fine all the time, and I am fine less than others. So how do I balance my right to have a reasonably fulfilling life with my obligation not to let others down?