I just wanted to thank you again for greeting me when I first came on to the website. It is only today that I thought that I haven't seen any of your postings but that you must be around because you were there for me on the day after I joined. I just now read your opening note about yourself.
I really want to ask you if you went ahead and registered as a student already and to congratulate you on that decision. And with a young child! That takes determination and moxie and I admire you for that.
regards Patrick
Hi mona,
Welcome to the site. Thanks for sharing your introduction with us. Members here truly understand what it is like to live with feelings of depression.
You mentioned CBT in your post. The core of The Depression Center is our Depression Program which is an interactive, 16-session cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)course. When using cognitive behavioral therapy, each person has unique goals in their treatment. Whatever your motivation, cognitive behavioral therapy is a very effective treatment for depression. You can use the tools whether or not you are taking medication, and whether or not you are currently seeing a therapist or mental health professional. The Depression Program has a number of tools and resources to help each individual overcome their depression and win.
We hope you find the help you need within The Depression Center. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding our site or with depression please click the "CONTACT US" link at the bottom of the page. We're open to any questions or concerns you may have.
Be sure to stick close and keep us posted on your progress. We look forward to hearing from you again soon.
The DC Support Team
Hello everyone, not sure where to start but since you all seem so supportive of one another I will tell you a little bit about me.
I am in my mid 30s and have been dealing with depression since I was a teenager. Have tried various meds in the past but am going to try this without any for a while. I am under the care of my doctor who has arranged for me to meet with a counsellor that I have heard wonderful things about. I meet with them next week and thought I would prepare myself for CBT which is how I came across this site.
i am single but have a 5 year old daughter from a previous failed relationship. She is the love of my life and helps to keep me going when I am really down. I know I have to find the light in my life again for her sake. I am planning on going back to school in the fall and if all goes well will have a new career in the health care field in a few years. I know it will be tough but will be worth it in the end for both of us. I really need to get a handle on this depression soon though.