Hey there guy!
I, too am a little older, but have struggled for a while with the depression. I actually waited a while to tell my folks because I knew they would react negatively about me seeing a therapist and being on meds (generational thing) My mom's reaction was "oh my God, I broke you". No mom, you didn't break me, my brain just isn't producing enough of "x". The example I used for her is: if I was vitamin B deficient, wouldn't you want me to take vitamin B? Or if I had diabetes, wouldn't you want me to take something to help my body use the insulin? She know is on her own meds. ;p
If I could offer you one piece of advice...and I am sure we all can relate..and it is much easier said than done...be patient with the meds. Give it some time to get through the side effects and see if it really works. Tough I know, and a serious pain in the butt, and disruptive as all heck to life, especially if you have to wean off one and try to get another one started. Just know that eventually there will be one out there. I have been trying for several years now, and thanks for modern technology always improving. If you need some one to chat with, please feel free to drop a line. Good luck!!