I wanted to say welcome as well. It sounds like you've had a lot to go through recently, and confusing stuff at that. I had something similar in terms of what I thought was a wonderful, promising relationship becoming difficult and rejecting, and it's taken me a while to come to terms with someone wanting you and not wanting you at the same time. The cycle of drawing in and pushing away wreaks havoc on its victim, and yet it's so rewarding for the ego of the person doing the pushing and pulling that they have no reason to stop.
One thing helped me - and I don't know your situation so I don't mean suggest you face the same thing, but in case you do, here it is. I realised that the romantic power in the relationship came from wanting to get a straight answer. I just wanted the respect of someone being straight with me, and it kept feeling like it was just about to happen, but I am trying to make myself accept that it never will (still working on that one). But I am pretty sure he's not this unbelievably fabulous person the likes of which I will never meet again. But he was the most ambivalent and at times the most hostile person I've ever dated, and somehow that created an attachment - for all the wrong reasons.
I think this is becoming a long reply to a long intro so I will leave it there. I am truly sorry you're facing this situation because I know how wrenching it feels and I hope you can continue to pull through it.