Welcome to the Depression Center and thanks for sharing your history with us.
We hope you'll be able to find the help and support you need. Have you ever tried CBT?
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with your session diary and have a read through our forums. Both are great sources of information on depression.
We have a sister site that may also be of help to you:
www.paniccenter.net You might also be interested to know that session 10 of our program is also about managing anxiety.
If you have any questions, just ask.
The DC Support Team
Hi there - it was recommended to me to come here by a member of an online support group, when I asked for information regarding CBT.
So here I am!
My diagnoses / ailments include (but are not limited to... ha ha ha)...
*Clinical Major Depression (Treatment Resistant)
*Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
*Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
*Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
*Panic Attacks
*Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling) (eyebrows / eyelashes)
*Social Phobia with elements of Agoraphobia
*Eating disorder emerging (eating to relieve emotional pain / overeating until I feel sick / NO purging, absolute obsession regarding food / weight)
*Body Dysmorphic Disorder
*Chronic Insomnia
*Possible Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (related to sleep apnea? LOUD SNORING, RESTLESS SLEEP)
*Possible Restless Legs Syndrome or Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
*TMJ (and SEVERAL other jaw issues) BRUXISM
*Low self-esteem and some self-hatred
*Previous Post-Partum Depression
*Previous Self-Injury (cutting)
I completed Session 1 this evening and am trying to maintain some hope that after all the years and therapies and 17 different medications that I have been on - maybe, as of tonight, I am finally on the right path.