Hi Caro
I'm glad that you enjoy my posts -- I'm so wordy, but it helps me to write them, to get my thoughts down on paper. I wrote a rather lengthy introduction when I first started this program back at the beginning of April. Lost in the deluge of posts from people like us, looking to help ease ourselves somehow through our journeys. April 6, I think, if youd like to read it.
Belonging is kind of elusive, I think. It's a feeling, so we can have always been part of a group but still feel that we don't belong. I dont know that I ever felt as though I belonged in my family. They are truly wonderful people and I love and admire them immensely. Too much, perhaps. I hear you when you say that you dont identify with any family member Ive always thought this was something wrong in me, since they are such good people. Kind of: If Im to be a good person as well, then I need to be more like them. And until Im like them, Im not good enough. But try as I might, I could never quite fit. I think thats what sent me travelling in the first place: a search for myself and a place where I felt I belonged.
My dad said to me once that people often search the world for something that is right there in their backyard. A recent family crisis strangely shook my foundations what I thought was reality was suddenly not and I realized that its ok for me to see the world differently to the rest of my family. Im never going to want the same things as they do, or prioritise things in the same way, but that doesnt mean that Im flaky or wrong. Its a good feeling, actually, to be free of trying to fit when I dont. I still love them dearly, I just am not so bothered about being like them. New thoughts: I am the person I need to be and want to be, and I like myself.
Your last questions about whether or not my family know about my depression and support me? My mother and my sister know, but they dont really understand it and have made no effort to learn about depression. I spoke to my sister about talking to our brothers, and she cautioned against it, feeling that I may not get the reaction that Im looking for. Im not sure that Im looking for a particular reaction probably just understanding, but it seems that even that would be asking too much. That sounds so bitter Im hurt by