Welcome to the Depression Center. You've come to the right place.
Please take the time to start familiarizing yourself with the tools of our program. In your session diary, you'll find our CBT program as well as many worksheets and exercises that accompany the program.
Also be sure to start reading through our forums and take advantage of our other chat tools such as our instant messenger to help you connect with others.
We hope you find the help you need within The Depression Center. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding our program tools, please click the "CONTACT US" link at the bottom of the page. We're open to any questions or concerns you may have.
Any questions you may have regarding depression or a particular challenge you are facing can be posted here or through the CONTACT US section if you require more privacy.
Keep us posted.
The DC Support Team
Hello everyone. I've been depressed for several years now. Was verbally/emotionally abused and have little to no self esteem now. My whole life as I knew it has changed. I have no friends and am quite alone. Feeling of helplessness and sadness are overwhelming sometimes. I would be nice to have someone to 'talk' to and share my feelings.