Thanks Danielle, I hope to be able to get a bit better using this wonderful site, and I am very happy to have found it. I am doing the activity record every day, since all I do is sit in front of the t.v anyway, and I have already noticed the ups and downs depending on what I am doing. Common sense stuff, but obviously I need to learn it.
I also find it rewarding to reply to others and possibly help people with advice from my own experience. I have had BPD for 47 years of my life, only found out that fact two months ago, so it was quite a shock but explains my depressions quite nicely. It has been a very rocky road, but along the way I have found enough coping skills to not kill myself and keep on trying so if I can help others, that makes me feel really good.
I think what you people are doing is fantastic and actually will help me more than my shrink who is only interested in getting me on as much drugs as she can. Since none of them work, I am not too happy with her. I want to get well, I want to try new things to fix myself, and I think I have the power to do so, without being a drugged vegetable. She keep insisting I need high doses of antidepressants, but after trying over 10 different kinds in 2 and half years, I don't believe that is the solution for me. She is only useful to fill out all the disability forms I need, but she charges me for every one, so I think the system really lacks any value at all. I would be better off fixing myself for free, than paying her for being useless.
Thanks for listening!