I Live in the UK and this site was recommended by my doctor, I finally decided to bite the bullet and seek medical attention 2 weeks ago. I think the only thing that kept me going was the thought of spoiling Christmas for my wife and 2 children. I've had lots of personal problems over the past 2 years which has seen my life turned upside down, from losing my business to being made bankrupt and losing the family home, just through trusting other people too much. I now feel as if I am to blame for the turmoil, I've screwed up big time. I've joined the CBT program as deep down I know I should not be thinking the way I do, I was once happy go lucky, now I panic over the least bit thing, My stomach churns at the thought of leaving the house, even to go to the doctors surgery, I feel constantly as if I'm being judged, I cannot sleep at night, My concentration is a very low time span, I just cannot seem to pull myself together as I feel friends and family only say what they think I want to hear. I hate the way I feel and wish I could get back to my old self.