Thank you for sharing your story. We can help so please take a look around and use our tips and tools to guide you. The program can help you move forward and challenge your depression. Take the time to take the Depression Test. This can help better assess the situation for you and your doctor.
We are always here for support and know that others have been where you are and can be of great assistance to you.
Let us know how we can help,
Keep Strong,
The Depression Center Support Team.
hi my name is candy and i have been living with BPD for about 16 yrs now. i have 3 wonderful children and a good husband who are good to me. my kids are 6 with ADHD 4 with autism and 2 and they are a handful. i am on meds the first time in a long time. it has taken me many years to come to accept that i have BPD and that the meds will help and not hurt me. i have trust issues and i also have alot on anxity about everything. i had a horrible childhood growing up with parents who just didnt care about me and lead there own drug induced lives. i have issues with my past that need to be resovled and i alos have self esteam issues. i guess in my mind i will never be good enough. well that is all for now i look forward to meeting you all and completeing this program. thanks candy