Welcome to our support community and please take the time to look around. The members will be along shortly to assist you with their support and knowledge. It is best that you check with your doctor and pharmacist regarding side effects and dosages. Your doctor can help you assess your situation and help you come up with a plan that is right for you.
As moderators, we are unable to give medical advice or prescribe any medications. Continue posting and let us know how we can help.
The Depression Center Support Team.
Hi. I'm new to this site and was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am currently on sertraline (200g) and lamictal (250g). I have been on these now for 2 years and was on sertraline (lower dose) before that. I've been reading about some of the long-term side effects of sertraline - especially weight gain and increase in stretch marks. Does anyone know if the weight is easier to lose or comes off when the drug is stopped? I'm at the point now where I am so self-conscious about my body (weight / appearance) that it's making me even more depressed. I joined Curves five months ago and haven't lost any weight (a few inches) which is very rare. And it seems that I've put on most of the weight over the last 2 years when my dosage was increased. I would really appreciate any feedback.