Welcome to the Depression Center!
Start working through our CBT program, it has helped many on our boards and is located in your session diary.
Start reading through the forums. I think you'll find there are many people out there you can relate to. The forum is also full of advice and will offer you the wisdome of many diverse experiences.
If you have any questions or just need some to talk to, we are always here.
Keep us posted.
The DC Support Team
I am an 18 year old girl that has tried this about 2 years ago and I have been on Lexapro. The Lexapro made me go crazy! I lost my mind I didnt know what to do! So I stopped taking the medication and after a 2 year break I decided it was time to do something again. My depression has changed which I find very odd, it use to be where I would just feel sad all the time. Now I am VERY irritable and get very moody. I also have an extremely hard time trusting people and believing things that they say. I find myself asking people how to trust and getting mad at them when they cant tell me the awnser. So here I am again after 2 years trying to get these thoughts and feelings to go away and to just be normal!