Hi, I'm Tia from Alberta, 25 and married for 2 months. My husband is very supportive but I feel bad that he (and I) have to deal with my recent flare-up of depression this soon into our marriage. We quit smoking 5 months ago, there have been some major family medical issues, and work is suddenly very tense and intimidating (not just me that is feeling the shift).
The last 6 months have been constantly in upheaval, and I could feel myself slipping but didn't realize how bad it had gotten until I had an intense panic attack a couple of nights ago. That is when I found this sight and decided that I needed to contact my doctor again. It is scary, because the last time I was really bad and needed to get help was 10 years ago when I was 16.
I do have problems frequently with minor depression but manage to pull myself out of them (at least I think so, occasionally people have commented on my 'good moods' to lead me to suspect some bipolar issues there). At the moment things just haven't quit coming, bad and good, and it has finally just become too much for me.
Soooo, I've started my homework from session 1, and I will be calling my doctor to talk to her about my test results and options. SCARY! But I know that this time I just can't do it myself, and I want to get help as soon as possible because this marriage deserves more of a honeymoon period!!!