We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new V-CC program! We have just launched the Alcohol Help Center at
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Just like this program, the Alcohol Help Center (AHC) contains a Support Group (moderated by us). The program contains some very helpful tools for people who are concerned about, or would like to know more about, problem drinking. The program has a variety of anonymous tests, interactive exercises, information and helpful tools that are designed to help people cut down on their drinking, or to stop drinking completely.
We know that there are a number of people on this Support Group who could really help out new comers to the AHC - and this is a chance for you to help us get this program helping at least as many people as this site does. Let's make new users feel safe and welcome.
Please let us know if you have any comments or concerns via feedback.
Thanks very much and we look forward to your comments!
The Depression Center Support Team.