I'm bren 44F. Have been borderline and depressed for yrs, but was functional- worked professionally and raised 2 children, married 24 yrs. All that changed when I started abusing alcohol. I've been in recovery for about 2 yrs now, rehabs, AA, psych wards, Dr.'s. A completely different life than I once knew. I was very active and wore many hats. Now I'm on disability and struggle just to keep this tiny apt. clean. So I lost a LOT. Huge new home, pro job, family, friends...and I'm sick of wallowing in 'recovery'. I'm ready to move forward now. The nightmares/trauma/masochism has lessened. I have many consequences though, like probation, no driving for 2 more years. Not sure if I can get another job in my field due to DUI's and simple assault.Tough when you're 44 and single. I'm looking forward to using the tools here and getting to know some of you. Thanks!