Hi, all. I just realised that I've posted several times in these discussions without any formal introduction. Hi! I'm Liz!
I have been dealing with depression, anxiety, feelings of inadequecy, eating disorders, and overall lack of anger management off and on since I was a teenager. Life experiences and mistakes I've made over the years have added to all this. Like I said, it's been on again/off again. When things are working well in my life, I have ignored that these things within myself existed, and then when things go wrong I lack the skills to deal with it.
I am currently in the midst of processes to getting back to the place and environment where I was once so successful, but I'm doing so realising that I need to do the ground work to keep things at a higher level of sanity than I've let myself slip back into as of late. My biggest hurdle is going to be getting past all that's happened over the past 4-6 months. Then I think I'm going top have to work backwards to eventually get past old injuries that continue to affect me and the people in my life at present.
There are all these things I want in life for myself and my child, and I've been looking outside of myself for help for far too long. I need to feel better about myself and who I am within myself...I want the ability to stand on my own two feet...I know what I need to do to get there, but its really scary! I feel so stupid sometimes having all the gifts and abilities to fix what's wrong, but yet still unable to bring myself to do it.
So, I finally figured out what was need to download the CBT buddies IM thingy. I'm going to be on this thing regularly once I move this weekend...and I'll be lonely. If anybody out there needs or wants to chat...I'll be around and looking forward to having the company.
Thanks, Liz