Thanks MRB and gabbi, I actually feel the same way in reference to diagnoses. I have had several diagnoses over a period of 20 years. Both my education and personal experience have taught me to view my situation not as major Depressive DO, but as depressotypic organization. I have studied the DSM 4 more than I should have and I notice that specific DO's have specific criteria. And that having one DO may exclude you from having another (i.e. depression, identity DO's). My theory is that if you list potential life characteristics that may lead up to the diagnostic criteria for Generalized Anxiety DO, hypothetically there will be many (say 500). Then do the same for Panic DO (say 450), Bulimia (300), OCD (275), Dysthimia (250), Major depression (150), and Schizophrenia (50). Is there a coincidence that most people are diagnosed with GAD, then Panic DO, and so on. It's not the Schizophrenia is conceptually worse, it is more specific. So I believe that anybody can experience any DO at any time based on any current environmental circumstances as a function of biology. At 10 am, I could be really Depressed, at 12 noon, I may start having Panic Attacks, at 1 pm, I may calm a little but become restless and start arranging things (OCD), at 5 pm I may look at myself in the mirror and excessively focus on what I perceive to be an abnormal facial feature (Dysmorphic DO), at 9 pm I may become paranoid or delusional over people noticing me (Schizotypal characteristics), and at 3 am when I finally fall asleep, I feel hopeless. Yet I am diagnosed with MDD. Sound conceptually familiar to anyone???? It's all about the bioenvironmental characteristics as a function of time. Timing is everything. So depressotypic organization (verses MDD) allows for the incorporation of other factors (DO's) offering a more detailed person-specific diagnosis. I'm tired of pidgeon-holing.
As far as meds go, I agree that munbness is a common side effect. However, I have not always been on meds while in the state of depersonalization, especially for the first 6 years. The meds definitely make matters worse. Two of mine are taken as needed so I am on 3 consistently. In my research I have found that Depression has a dynamic relationship with Anhedonia. This refers to an inability t