Hi Kat thats ok im glad i could help.Its so much easier to deal with this sort of thing with support .Im glad you told your husband and hes being supportive sounds like you are on the right track to recovery.As for the look in your husbands face maybe he was just suprised perhaps because he didnt see the signs something along those lines maybe.I dont have any family support my husband is half my problem and the only person i really open up to is my psychologist so i know how lonely it can be.Dont feel bad because you need to take meds they are there for a reason but make sure your doctor knows about you taking the st johns wort cause i have heard it can be harmful to take them together.Anytime you need a chat im here ok.Gabbi.
thank you for your advice from "challenging your negative thoughts" im a bad speller but i hope you coud still understand this message. my husband knows the real me now i tried to hide it but its a hard secret to keep to yourself. now that i told him how i really feel and who i really am inside he looks at me diffrent i could see it in his face. since we are married though he needs to know though. i told him however if he wants out i would understand because its alot to deal with but he said that he loved me and this was just an obstacle that we have to work through. he's putting me on his medicale insuranse soon and hes in the navy so hopefully it will be good and im planning on going back on my meds. i am taking st johns wort now but they say it dosent even work on severe depression though. i guess i was just fooling myself into thinking i could fix it myself. but now i know i really need to get help now because its getting the best of me and eating away at my spirit i just wanted to say thanks for your advice.