Hi Kendy
Was very sorry to hear of your continuing problems. I have not had electo-shock therapy myself but my mother has, many years ago. It did help her, although I can't help feeling that in her case the doctors should have tried medications for longer. She was in a psychiatric unit but did not appear suicidal or in a hazardous physical state eg not eating. She however acquiesced with this treatment and my brother was also in favour so I went along with it. It was quite a long time ago but I remember the main details. As I understand it it is not in any way painful although afterwards the person might have a headache for a time or temporary confusion. I don't think my mother had any pain or really bad side effects. The doctors are aware of the immediate after-effects this treatment may have and build in a recovery period after the treatmentt before the patient goes back to the ward or goes home if they are an outpatient. I believe it is sometimes given to outpatients in my country, but am not sure of the position where you live. It is ultimately your decision and you should consider it in the light of your level of distress and lack of response to meds. It can be very effective in the case of severe depression but as with all things there are no guarantees and successful treatment will not necessarily prevent you from becoming depressed again in future. Also the docs will probably want you to continue with some medication as well. Hope this is of use and good luck.
Been in a pretty bad place for a long time now. My therapist brought up electro-shock therapy as a possible alternative since the meds do not seem to be working anymore. This terrifies me. Any one know anything about this?