Dear Support Community,
Join the party!
On Monday November 21st at 11:30 AM, EST. we will be having our first Depression Center CBT Buddies Messenger party!
In the past few weeks we've had a number of questions about the CBT Buddies Messenger, so we thought that a Depression Center CBT party would be an excellent way to help some of the community members who are having some issues with downloading, installing and using the Instant Messenger. It would be great if we could bond together to help every member.
Joining the party will be:
* Ryan Moore, Director of Technology
* Trevor van Mierlo, Managing Director
* Dr.Peter Farvolden, Creator of the Depression Program
* Casey Duffy, RN,
This Staff will be online and ready to answer your questions, and to walk some of you through some problem areas. As we move forward in our quest to help others, the Depression Center CBT party can give you the opportunity to help us make the Depression Center more accessible.
As you know, thousands of members use the Depression Center daily and there are just as many computer operating systems and "permissions" that we need to understand. We would like call upon the members to use this feature as a contact for support within one another.
Please Remember:
You must have the Microsoft .NET framework installed on your PC to use the Depression Center IM, and you can download it from this link:
Also, we realize that many of you access the Depression Center from work, so please make sure that your company's IT Department allows you to download and access Instant Messaging Technologies.
As you log into the site you will be able to add buddies every time you post and read through a thread. When you open your IM Messenger your CBT Buddies will be updated.
Please note that as moderators within this site, we are unable to give medical advice or prescribe medications. We are using this time to focus on having members come and chat within one another.
We will leave this thread open for members to comment and hope you will all join us on Monday November 21st @ 11:30 a.m. EST.
Start Adding buddies everyone :) :) :) See you at the party!