Kat you need to open up to your husband and/or sister theres no point hiding it because its not going to go away by itself you need to talk get your feelings out in the open then you can start the recovery process.There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about have you seen a doctor or therapist cause they are there to help you also.I see my doctor and psychologist on a weekly basis.You deserve to be happy within.Gabbi.
im always insucure of myself. i hate feeling so insucure i cant go anywhere with out wondering what people are thinking of me or saying behind my back. i have no self esteem. my sister wonders why i dont go anywhere she sais im a hermit joking around if only she really knew what was wrong with me. even my husband wonders why i act so strange and down all the time. he knows i have had problems with deppression before but thinks i am all better now im to emmbaressed to tell him because i know hes just gonna judge me or think its just pms or something.