Welcome vero i guess we all know how you feel in our own depressing ways i hope you start to feel better soon.Your in a tough situation so look after yourself.Gabbi.
Take the time to look around and use the tools we provide. Our site is free and there are many tests that you can take and present them to your doctor. Our online program is very useful and it does work. Please take a look and let us know how we can help.
Lean on your sister for support and take care of yourself first. Take time each day to do something for you. Whether it is when the kids go to school or when they are asleep.
Please let us know how we can help,
The Depression Center Support Team.
hey you guys i guess im that insucure.im depressed my husbands in the navy and is never around my
mom is hatful she hates everyone in our family even her 3 year old neice i think she is crazy my sister is the only person that has been their for me and my dad just got out of prison after 9 years so its just me and her.i feel like im losing it. im taking st johns wort now just hoping i can fix this my self but prozac and zoloft worked so much better in the past i just dont want to go back to that.