Dear members,
I think for the past years I have been depressed, but until now I didn't know what was wrong with me. A few days days I started researching the internet, found a few sites (fortunately this one too), made some online tests and all of them reported that I could have depression. I even learn that depression is a physical condition which can be controlled. In this way here I am trying to get better and even enrolled in the 16 weeks' program. I think that what triggers my depression is the fact that I haven't been able to find a compatible in all my life. Moreover I have had several problems in my work, not dealing well with stress which make more depressed accompanied with anxiety and low self-esteem. This leads in switching jobs frequently which is not good to my career. Now, I had 32 years old, feeling that I could not find a girlfriend, my work contract is finishing and do not know what to do next. I feel lost. I think this support group could help me get better and I could help others too.
Thanks for listening me.