Hi. Happened upon this site today, think it may come in handy for me in the future. Today I'm seeing someone about my depression. I've taken a couple of those online dealie tests that all seem to say that I may have dysthymia. It's odd - I never thought of it as depression, basically just thought I was a moody, grumpy, apathetic, withdrawn person. I always thought depressed people were the 'I can't get out of bed' and 'I sit in a corner and cry all day' type of things.
I honestly hope that I am put on meds (magic pill to make me "normal" I guess) but, I do realize that - or I would like to realize that treatment should include medication and some sort of therapy where I talk to someone. I'm one of those people who hates to think that I cannot solve my own issues and I don't like admitting that I may actually need help to fix this.
Sorry for rambling. Just wanted to say hello.