Hi there,
I am new to this group. My name is Jan and I am a 38 year old single female recently diagnosed with Clinical Depression. I think the closest thing I ever had to this was a bout about four years ago, but there were external factors that seemed to make it more uderstandible. This time it snuck up on me very insidiously and by the time I recognized what was wrong I was so far down I could barely function. I did finally go to a doctor about a month ago and she prescribed Lexapro. It did help, and I was feeling good for several days, but over the weekend seemed to slip back into a terrible way where I couldnt get out of bed. I was wondering. How long on Lex (10 mg) before I feel better, esp in the morning, and is it normal to have a "setback" like the one I had over the weekend? Please advise-thanks!!!!