Hi Jensen,
Thank you for your story. It made my day a little easier to bear as I
shift my own troubled mind to the outside world. Sorry to hear about
your current struggle and hopelessness, hang in there, feel the
solidarity expressed in this post by a person in a similar boat.
I will share my history with you, to distract you from your self-
consuming anxiety, the same one I am trying to keep at bay right now.
I'm going through my 1st MD episode at 29 but my life has always had
the potential for this. I have had a turbulent life and lived in terror as
my parents fought constantly but gave me all their love despite
of their imperfections. I came to the States when I was 14 and was a
very shy individual, having to adjust and adapt to the new
environment. I always felt like an alien even in my homeland where I
was part of a hated minority. My father was over-protective and critical
but failed to guide me in the choosing of a proper career as he himself
struggled to fit. Eventually my parents divorced and my father moved
back to Europe after suffering a depression himself. The ups and
downs of my 20s were a result of my hyper-sensitive, rejection-
obsessed psyche. I drifted in and out of relationships, had an erratic
job history. I self-medicated with booze and smoke trying to find
happiness in stupor. I finished art school with good grades but a
bachelor degree in art is not your ticket to financial security and steady
employment. So in 2003 after I was an admissions counselor at my
school for 2 1/2 years I left my job because of my conflict with my
boss. I also broke up with my girlfriend and lost my apartment. It was
then I felt the early signs of clinical depression. I woke up in the middle
of the night with heart palpitations and called the ambulance - I
thought I was having a heart attack. So my life was getting out of hand.
I moved in with my mother where I still live today. Over the course of
the next year I was OK but still lacked direction in life. i found
temporary escape in Europe where I visited my father in the summer. I
finally succumbed to full blown depression last fall during a
high-stress seasonal job. I messed up my sleeping schedule, was
exhausted and my nightly panick attacks ret