Hi Becky,
I understand. The mornings are usually the worst for me too and like you I tend to feel somewhat better at night.
Having a wonderful fiance is a blessing. A great job dosen't hurt either. Don't be too hard on yourself. It seems as though you have some beautiful things (and people) in your life. Focus on that as much as you can.
I know this site frowns about its members giving
out their personal e-mail addresses but I would be happy to keep in touch with you via that way if you wish.
Be Well
I know how you feel. It is very frustrating when everything seems to be going OK in your life and you just can't feel like you're supposed to feel. I just started on Celexa myself and am continuing to take Wellbutrin and alprazolam for depression and anxiety. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do, eating right, exercising, going to therapy etc. etc. etc. but I still wish I felt better. Like you, when I look back I can see how much progress I've made but sometimes I really feel like I'm stuck. My doctor just keeps telling me to be patient, that he's seen consistent improvement even if it isn't as fast as I would like. But I understand how frustrating it can be. Take care and remember that you are not alone!
My name is Becky. I am suffering from depression/anxiety. I am currently on 40 mg of Celexa. It has definitely helped lift the fog and I am feeling better. However, I am a perfectionist and it frustrates me that I cannot feel better right away. The mornings are always the worst for me. I feel sad and/or anxious. Usually after getting going I feel better and by evening I am ok these days. Its hard to see that as improvement in my worst times, even though I KNOW that it is. I have a wonderful fiance and wonderfuly job that I have somehow still been able to keep and keep going to. I've only missed one day so far and that was in the worst of it. My fiance also was feeling bad and started on Lexapro and is already doing MUCH MUCH better and I am happy for him. I just frustrates me that I can't feel the same way. Anyways, I have to get going to work but I will write more later. I just wanted to write and let some of my feelings out. I would really like to talk to someone who understands.....emailing would be great, if anyone would like to do that...it feels more personal somehow. But I'll be checking this later and hopefully I can make some new friends!! Thanks in advance for anyone who responds! Much love.