My brother just died of alcohol abuse and a virus that his liver could not cope with at age 42. My father too, died of the same thing, plus atherialsclerosis, and massive stroke, but he was 67. My mother died the year before of terrible cancer that quickly spread throughout her abdomin. My father did not die as fast as your father; He was taken to the hospital when the neigbour across the street had noticed he did not go out that weekend. The neighbour called the police, and they looked in the bedroom window, and the police had to break the door down to take him to the hospital. Apparently, some friends of our family came in and cleaned up his bedroom before we saw it, and he had been drinking in bed, and reading a murder novel, and had a stroke. He lived alone. (I must add that he had also tried to commit suicide several times before throughout his life because of the horrible childhood and drepression he had too. He was on medications for a while, but later stopped and told me it was because they did not work.)
The next thing I know I got a call from the hospital that he was there, so we rushed down to see him. He was having convulsions, maybe from alcohol withdrawal. He was in hospital for a few days, and we kept going down to see him for a few days once a day, and after a few days he had calmed down and was sleeping. The doctors and nurses told us his brain was probably not going to function after that. My sister did come from far away to see him, on the fourth day or so of hospitalization and he was awake and could not talk, but his brain was alive, and he was pointing to his groin, asking us to get the nurses to clean him up down below. Also, he asked me to take off his oxygen mask. We had already made a legal power of attorney that if my parents were dieing, they did not want to be kept alive artificially. So I told the nurse to take it off. Then he signaled he wanted to kiss us, with pursed lips, and I did, and my sister kissed him on the forhead. I told him I was going to get the power of attorney from the lawyer, and I left my sister there alone with him in the hospital. The doctors had told me that he would be put into a nursing home, and might live for quite a while. Then I left to do the business, and to see my own psychiat