Hi Barbie. I can relate quite a bit. Although my husband is understanding and supportive, he has never experienced depression, and so it feel like it's impossible for him to understand. He often tells me he wonders why I can't just work harder at getting better. Oh, if only that would work. I find, though, that the more I reach out to him, and really honestly tell him what I feel like, the more he understands and supports me. I don't know if your husband might respond to you reaching out, but I hope he can. I know it's my tendency to shut off from him and everyone else when I'm depressed, and so it makes it that much harder for him to understand, and for me to get better.
I recently went off medication for the same reason you did - I had gained 20 pounds. Why doesn't anyone ever talk about this side effect? I'm hoping my new doctor can help me find a med that doesn't do this.
Just so you know, there are resources out there even if you can't afford it. Do a search on the web for free or inexpensive therapists, and there's plenty of support groups out there. Keep plugging. Maybe we can each find medications that don't make us gain tons of weight. :) Good luck.