Hi Graic,
I am glad to hear that you are doing well. Life is full with surprises. Every day and even every second is full surprise. I lost my wife, my job, I went in bankruptcy, and there was more. All happened in one year. Do I regret them? NO. I do not regret anything, because it was part of all. I did my best at that time. I tried my best with what was available to me. TODAY, it is different. I am different. Today is what I have. Yesterday is a dream. Tomorrow is just a vision. But TODAY and NOW is what belongs to me. And I am not giving it to any thing, especially to some feelings that are only results of my thoughts. There is a book called the power of now. I have heard good reviews about this book. Honestly, I haven't read it. But I am going to read it soon.
I am not sure if I should give you any suggestions. Please talk about them with your consular. Don't regret your past. It's part of you but it should not dictate your NOW. Let the past go away. Talk about them to people you trust. Write them down and face them. Pray, this one is my favorites. I love it:
God grant me serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Take care of yourself, of your body, soul, and mind. Don’t spend any cent on any thing that damages you. Don’t smoke and drink. Eat healthy; it is important to do it consciously. Keep yourself busy. Never get angry. Something happens and you feel angry, first think regarding the consequences of being angry. Do you solve any problem with getting angry? NO.
And pray and pray and pray. Take the bible or buy a spiritual book, what ever you feel is good. And don’t forget, he is watching us, and things will happen only if we take action. Einstein said once, nothing changes, until something moves. How could we create different results with the same behavior? Enjoy your life and take action because the changes are coming.