Dear Green1,
You should definitely discuss this with your Doctor, especially if you are taking a combination of meds or changing meds. People experience side effects differently, certain meds work well for some, but not for others.
My wife (age 25) is on Zoloft after being on Effexor for 8 months. There was a break in the middle when she tried Mirtazaphne/Remeron but that’s another story. Anyway Effexor was bad news for her. She was at 225mg by the time we married. (@ the 5 month mark.) It caused it her alot of drowsiness, nausea and agitation by that stage. There was also a loss of libido. :(
Greetings...I've been on Zoloft for about 5 years and AderalXR as well. I would really appreciate advice on a change in meds. AderalXR 20mg/day is working great/ADD, but Zoloft 300mg/day has been loosing effectiveness/Depression. My doc recommended a change to Effexor; I have been on Effexor for about 5 days, and I'm worse off than when I was on Zoloft. Is this temporary? I am a bit concerned--Prior to Zoloft, I was on Wellbutrin for about 2 weeks, and I lost COMPLETE control of myself. Currently on Effexor, I have noticed short periods of rage. Any Advice???