Hello to All ~
I'm a member of the Stop Smoking Center and what I'm pasting here is a copy of what I posted in that support group concerning my smoking cessation and the unmasking of my depression since I quit smoking.
01-24-2003 @ 4:18 PM
I had noticed since I quit (smoking) in February 2002, that I seemed to always be fuzzy, kind of a drain brain kind of feeling.
Last month I went to my doctor for a checkup and we went down through the list of symptoms I was dealing with:
* Fuzzy brain feeling
* Forgetfulness
* Mental shutdown over stressful situations (when a lot of stressful things would happen all at once I wouldn't freak out, I would in essence put the stressful stuff on a back burner sometimes when they shouldn't have been)
* Inability to perform some of what used to be the easiest and necessary tasks (like typing - my job depends on my typing skills - I was hitting the backspace key more than the regular keys, when I should have been typing my usual 60 wpm)
* Always tired (I could never seem to get enough sleep)
* Always jittery (couldn't sit still for long periods of time)
My dr. explained to me that I was suffering from dysthemia, a mild form of depression, I basically told him that he was nuts because I am one of the happiest people I know.
He explained that not all people suffering from depression are sad or unhappy, that some are like me, I have a normal life but because of too many stressors at one time I subconsciously 'shutdown'.
My dr. prescribed Zoloft for a trial period of 30 days. I am very happy to say that I have been taking the meds exactly as prescribed and within a week or two I started noticing changes for the good. He said that it would be gradual and it has. Next Monday will be the 30 day mark, I can now type as my normal speed without as many typo's, I can remember things ~ why I went into a room, why I was calling someone, who I'm supposed to e-mail....etc..., gone is the utter frustration I felt when I just couldn't seem to do everyday things.
I prefer not to take meds unless it is absolutely necessary, and in this case it was absolutely necessary!
Ok, now the main reason I am even bringing such a personal subject up is this:
I suffered from these problems before I quit smoking,