Still pondering this question Hugs posed. Wish I could help in some way but I really can't.
I lost most of my family by 2006 and my partner lost a grown child this year. I am grateful for the family we have left. They all live a long distance away so we communicate via phone and text messages. So in spirit we are not alone. As far as getting out and with others during the holidays it is not something I even think about. Just being out among the masses is more than I can tolerate on most days especially during the holidays. I did go to the grocery store yesterday and that one exposure left me exhausted. So I guess I really can't give any helpful advice except to say I try not to dwell on the loses and remain grateful for the loved ones I have left.
Merry Christmas to you. I hope your dealing with it a little better today.
One thing I have been doing lately to deal with the holiday stresses is finding something to distract my mind with.
Here's one that might give you a laugh. I have taken to reading manuals and patterns of all kinds as a positive
It gives my mind something else to focus on and figure out and it is much less stressful then focusing on the news or the holidays. It helps me stop the endless negative chatter that can go on and on in my head.
I wonder what people are doing to cope with holiday stresses, liked being alone, and being away from loved ones? I try to go out and be with people(Red was great about pointing out this need). At the end of the day, it's just me and some book and an overpriced humidifier that I don't know where to point! There's this dead period when all "events" just shut down-libraries/museums/art galleries...and it seems there's no-one to connect with. For me it's hard to reach out, because of the fear we all share here...