Change is definitely not an easy thing, and it can require time. I hope the CBT program we offer here has been able to help you learn how to make changes to better your quality of life.
It cost me a lot more than just money for my piece of paradise, but I think it was worth it now.
You can travel the world looking for happiness and you will find a lot of beauty, but happiness is a little spark in your soul waiting to grow. Happiness is in you, it can grow anywhere. It just needs you to help it along.
Lunch is over, Sun is shining, time to get something done.
Change is difficult, and I'm going to have to make difficult ones, so my stress level is skyrocketing. Wish I had some quiet since the neighbour's construction noise has me and the house vibrating, which probably doesn't help sleeping.
Some of the information I have though positive and valuable has a negative side or association. I look at this negative side to recognize it then drop it because I'm only interested in what the positive side can do for me, but still I want to know what the negative side can do to me. Know thy enemy.
As I learn about things, sometimes I feel I undermine myself by using it against myself. An example is the home, and how I start to see more things to do.
I suppose those things undermining me are just the core beliefs which are beginning to change?
Does anybody find that "knowledge" somehow backfires?