I can sure sympathize with the difficultly of letting go of things that are familiar and having some much on your plate that it is hard to get everything done..After my husband passed I had to eventually have a lot done on and at the house which meant a lot of change and a lot of letting go. Things had gotten so ruined down while he was ill that I really had no choice and needed the have the work done. This was one of the hardest things I have ever done and it was painstaking. I have never really been into decorating so I was a lost lamb on that front and all the decisions and changes causes me so major panic and anxiety. I really didn't want to let go or change anything..So I really do sympathize.
These last few years I have had to let go of lots of things, ideas and negative core beliefs..I think I have may have picked up some new negative cord beliefs along the way but I have also picked up some positive ones too. So my hope is that it all equals its self out..I have made a conscience decision to step back and take a look at my life once again. I have just started thinking about what I want to do with life..What things do I really need to do and what things will make my quality of life better? How can I make my life easier so that I can enjoy it more? What can I do to make this happen and what do I want to do with my life now? This are not decisions to be make on a whim or impulsively. It has been almost a decade since he passed and I am turning 59 this year so I guess I am taking some time to reflect on where I have been and gone and how I want to spent my time enjoying the future..
Thanks for your input. What is hard sometimes, is letting go. In one case I found I there was a connection to the family which I have to slowly let go of, and the colour scheme, which was part of my childhood....
I guess it's like I'm juggling too many balls. Stepping back is helpful, sometimes. But with a lot a balls have to keep in the air, since laundry, cooking, cleaning,etc. can't be dropped.
I think others may find this difficult too. If presented with to many choices and this seems to be the standard these days with most everything..It can make it hard to find and pick out Just One. So when in doubt step back for a while and then go back and look again and see what you think the second time around. Your reaction my surprise you..
I wish it wasn't this way too when picking out a surgeon for a elective surgery, that they say may go pretty good or it may go very very bad..You would think the were selling shoes or used cars or something that..So sometimes I think it is easier and better to just think on it for a long while..I mean some things just can't be changed or taken back once they are done. It's for better or worse and to death due is part and all that.
As for painting or decorating as long as you have the money you can always change it or take it back if allowed or try something else hopefully without any major consequences..
I'm finding my demons haunting me during shopping, and wonder if others have the same issues?
I was trying to find matching styles, colours for a porch, and I guess indecision, and other factors made it difficult. Buying a microwave is also challenging, since I'm indecisive.