Forum | Tråde | Opslag | Seneste beskeder |
Forstå Depression Symptomer og basal information | 740 | 3112 | How to help a loved one with Depression Ashley -> Health Educator 3. jul. 2024 16.49.21 |
Medicin En udveksling af informationer og erfaringer. Del hvad der virker og hvad der ikke virker for dig | 499 | 1756 | Bacteria and depression reset 10. aug. 2020 20.46.30 |
Udfordre dine negative tanker Ændre negative tanker og udvikle et mere optimistisk og positivt perspektiv på livet | 602 | 2574 | ny Jens Jensen 25. feb. 2023 11.23.19 |
Forhold Hvordan påvirker depression forhold og hvordan forhold kan påvirke depression | 806 | 3524 | Sharing things Ashley -> Health Educator 25. apr. 2022 13.31.47 |
Introducer dig selv Introducer dig selv til gruppen | 2134 | 5365 | What's stopping you from posting? Ashley -> Health Educator 17. okt. 2023 19.13.28 |
Målsætning og Aktivitets planlægning Gode ideer, tips og støtte | 224 | 553 | NEW Year NEW goals Ashley -> Health Educator 11. feb. 2023 17.41.41 |
Kerneoverbevisninger & Antagelser Hjælp til at udvikle mere fleksible kerneoverbevisninger og antagelser | 165 | 568 | Articles and resources that have helped you Ashley -> Health Educator 31. mar. 2022 13.52.52 |
Livsstil Søvn, kost, motion, afslapning og meditation | 239 | 699 | LifeStyle Ashley -> Health Educator 5. sep. 2023 16.01.39 |
Håndtering af tilbagefald Gode råd og støtte | 703 | 2400 | Emergency Happy Questions Ashley -> Health Educator 11. jun. 2024 14.42.56 |
Succes Historier Fortæl om dine successer her. Inspirer andre | 244 | 835 | Acts of kindness Ashley -> Health Educator 22. jul. 2023 20.20.16 |
Gruppe Gennemgang Gå hver session igennem som gruppe og diskuter værktøjerne | 175 | 902 | New Community Feature: "Last Logged In" Timbo637 19. sep. 2019 16.47.52 |
Sundhedsfremmende forum Daglige tanker, fakta og emner. Hvad mener du? | 2252 | 5023 | What are negative core beliefs? Ashley -> Health Educator 17. jul. 2024 19.35.27 |
Tilbage til arbejde Går du ikke på arbejde i øjeblikket? Er du for nyligt kommet tilbage til dit job? Del dine historier om hvordan det var at komme tilbage på jobbet. | 152 | 420 | Past experienced about judgement & criticism Ashley -> Health Educator 3. dec. 2021 17.26.42 |
Forum | Tråde | Opslag | Seneste beskeder |
The Lounge This forum is a place where all members can post about everyday life (sometimes we need to get away from focusing on quitting) | 10 | 31 | Happy New Year Timbo637 2. jan. 2025 09.37.13 |
Who's quitting this month? Post here to connect with members who are starting their quit now. | 1040 | 4075 | New Year Approaching Fast Timbo637 14. dec. 2024 13.53.33 |
Health Educator's Corner Daily thoughts, facts and discussion items. What?s your take? | 2208 | 5003 | The truth about closet smoking. Timbo637 8. feb. 2025 10.36.59 |
Introducer dig selv Introduce yourself to the group. Share your smoking history, quit date, and what quit method you're using. | 12109 | 89303 | New Year, New Me!!? grapeseed 20. feb. 2021 16.48.01 |
Questions about the Online Quitting Program Post any questions arising from your Journey through the Quitting Program and the resulting process of stopping smoking. | 183 | 1238 | My Quit Meter Timbo637 18. feb. 2025 06.49.41 |
Coping with Withdrawal Symptoms Discussion and advice on Withdrawal Symptoms. | 4786 | 42056 | Roller Coaster Withdrawal Timbo637 14. okt. 2024 12.28.30 |
Smoking Cessation and Weight-Gain Support and advice on dealing with Weight-Gain. | 1289 | 13166 | Change is Tough! Timbo637 2. aug. 2019 22.19.24 |
Coping with Cravings A discussion of triggers and tips related to cravings. | 3272 | 27035 | Feels like hell week all over!! Timbo637 30. okt. 2024 09.38.33 |
Stats Parade Where quitters post their stats and REWARDS! | 16181 | 143316 | 11 years and counting Timbo637 31. okt. 2024 06.49.16 |
Common Support Questions Inviting members to contribute to the reply | 922 | 11658 | Afraid I can not do this Timbo637 24. dec. 2022 10.58.11 |
Forum for New Users and General Discussion Advice from successful participants who have used the site to quit smoking. | 24210 | 213983 | My Quit Journey Timbo637 1. dec. 2022 06.50.52 |
Chewers and Dippers Corner A forum for those who want to overcome their addiction to chewing tobacco. | 188 | 1922 | Chewers-Dippers Ashley -> Health Educator 19. maj 2023 16.10.26 |
Avoiding relapse and slipping Prevention help for those who are afraid of slipping | 1286 | 20733 | Prepared For The Worst? Timbo637 25. jan. 2021 12.48.53 |
Forum de discussion Conseils de participants au programme qui ont r?ussi ? cesser de fumer. | 71 | 594 | Est- ce qu'il y a des forums actifs en franc¸ais ? Timbo637 20. feb. 2025 12.27.55 |
Forum to test changes This is for testing purposes | 4 | 19 | Health Educators or Moderators missing? Evolution 3. mar. 2025 11.16.45 |
Forum | Tråde | Opslag | Seneste beskeder |
General Discussion Introduce yourself and share advice on achieving your healthy weight | 6 | 15 | What motivates you? Ashley -> Health Educator 7. aug. 2023 16.41.44 |
Healthy Eating Sharing eating habits and information to help us in our healthy weight journey | 7 | 11 | What food is actually considered Healthy..? Evolution 3. mar. 2025 11.17.07 |
Exercise and Fitness Discussions on how to stay active | 4 | 16 | Favorite active hobby Ashley -> Health Educator 22. jul. 2023 20.27.27 |
Forum | Tråde | Opslag | Seneste beskeder |
Introducer dig selv Introduce yourself to the group. | 1255 | 11024 | 2023, a new year! Ashley -> Health Educator 6. jan. 2023 15.29.17 |
Questions about the Managing Drinking Course and Tools Læring er magt | 53 | 375 | We need your input on community tools Ashley -> Health Educator 17. aug. 2020 17.29.52 |
Setting Your Goals Helping you set your strategy for cutting down or stopping entirely | 182 | 1324 | Setting a Goal Ashley -> Health Educator 3. jun. 2023 16.26.48 |
Dealing with Urges Advice, support and strategies | 338 | 4088 | It's not always easy! Lynn123 9. feb. 2024 08.51.44 |
Succes Historier Tell us about your success! Support and inspire others! | 247 | 2044 | Favorite non alcoholic drink Ashley -> Health Educator 22. jul. 2023 20.24.17 |
Health Educator's Corner Daily thoughts, facts and discussion items. What's your take? | 1862 | 4211 | Stages of change Ashley -> Health Educator 25. jun. 2024 23.19.22 |
General Health and Wellbeing Post Here to share your thoughts and questions regarding your health! | 172 | 1086 | Addiction Ashley -> Health Educator 20. maj 2024 14.48.49 |
What food is actually considered Healthy..? for 13 dage siden Evolution |
Health Educators or Moderators missing? for 13 dage siden Evolution |
Est- ce qu'il y a des forums actifs en franc¸ais ? for 23 dage siden Timbo637 |
My Quit Meter for 26 dage siden Timbo637 |
The truth about closet smoking. for en måned siden Timbo637 |
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