I've been told how brave I am for confronting this addiction and fighting it through. I don't feel brave when I'm doing it so that feels really good to hear from someone watching me through the process.
Also what helps is when people affirm that it is difficult and I'm doing something really hard. It doesn't undercut me to hear how hard it is. It makes me feel proud that I'm working at something. Because after all, it is largely invisible what we are doing when we quit. So these things help make it seem more visible and tangible. It's like when you start a weight loss and fitness program, you can actually see the results. It's harder to do that with smoking. It's more internal and so when someone notices it really helps.
Let me address the dark side of this question. Many people will discourage you from quitting. Misery loves company and all that. Don't let that be an excuse to give in. There IS life without smoking and it is a far more pleasant life. Give yourself a chance to get there. If its not all its cracked up to be you can always go out and buy a pack and resume your lovely habit but I assure you, you will not choose to do that once you see the light !
What are some words of encouragement you received from family or friends (apart from the SSC) supporting you in your quit? Are there some you have passed on to others?