Sonia, my coping strategies started with reading the downloaded version of Joel Spitzer's "Never Take Another Puff" and I have kept this PDF file on my computer desktop reading parts of it again from time to time. The PDF is free to download and page after page he repeats... "never take another puff" so it actually does become absorbed in one's brain.
I also prepared a 2 page summary of tips for quitting smoking like, quit one day at a time, deep breathing, tell people you have a quit, etc which especially helped during "hell week".
Then in week 2, I joined this site. I think this turned out to be a great strategy because this site is interactive and so I really like the meter, tips, the forum and the encouragement.
These are the things that help me when I am alone but I have been keeping very busy at work so that has helped as well.
Congrats!!! You ARE a non-smoker now!!! AND.... you have $90 in your pocket than you did 12 days ago!!! Keep your eyes on the prize(s)! They really add up and the most important prize is your FREEDOM!!!
Oh yeah... your taste buds are going to go crazy here soon! They won't be able to get enough of those great flavors! Just remember... moderation!
It is going to be a great feeling on Sunday as I get past this second week while knowing that I am quitting for good this time! A reward all in itself but I will try to treat myself to something! :)
I keep telling myself "quitting is hard but going through withdrawal again would be even harder... so never take another puff!" This seems to have been working very well for me and I am so happy and excited about becoming a non-smoker!
Congratulations on now 12 days smoke free! You are almost through Heck Week which is one of the toughest weeks of quitting. Woohoooo! How do you plan on rewarding yourself?
The metallic taste in your mouth is likely due to withdrawal. Once your taste buds get back on track your sense of taste will be improved. If this symptoms continues for over a few weeks or you are concerned see a doctor and/or dentist.
Hi.... just joined this site after quitting smoking 11 days ago. I have smoked off and on (mostly on) for about 30 years. I have tried to quit before but this time I quit cold turkey. I have had some rough days but am coping.
This second week I am really noticing morning, middle of the night and even through the day, this metallic taste in my mouth. Is this a common experience with others? How long might it last?