Welcome to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Day (CBT) on the forums!
Twice a week will now be known as CBT day.
Once a week a Health Educator will launch a challenge. Members are encouraged to take on the challenge and post their results. On the following CBT day, a Health Educator will post specific tips and strategies to aid you in the way you look/interpret yourself and the way you view the world.
This week we will be talking about stress…
The following is a list of stress relievers:
• Cutting down on caffeine
• Regular Exercise
• Meditation
• Sleep
• Breaks and leisure activities
• Having realistic expectations
• Reframing
• Venting/Support System
• Humor
This week, when feeling stressed we encourage you to employ one of these strategies. Post up how many times you used them here and your experience with this approach.
We also encourage you to keep track of your caffeine intake and rate your stress level at the end of the day. Is there a correlation?
Ashley, Health Educator