Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 6989 Hours: 10
Minutes: 29 Seconds: 5
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Right back at ya Willisv56 - You're a great quit bud! It helps immensely and is very inspirational to find out there are folks with a similar history traveling down this road to freedom from Nicotine. I like the relative anonymity coupled with the intense and heartfelt personal journeys shared here. It’s so much nicer to Quit with the support of a network such as SSC than it is to push through an attempted Quit by sheer willpower - only to find yourself back in the same place, smoke in hand, again and again. Once we understand NOPE, start chalking up our quit stats and cheering each other on - there is no stopping the inspiration (that transfers into all areas of our lives) So here’s a cheer to my top 3 - SSC, Inspiration & Quit Buds who understand!
Original Post by: Samantha - Health EducatorHello members,Where do you find inspiration?Samantha, Health Educator