Members, Once you’ve identified your negative core beliefs you can begin to challenge and change them. This means that you’ll be challenging the source of your depression. However, in order to challenge your negative core beliefs you need to identify and test out some new positive core beliefs. Instead of focusing on the negative core beliefs you have about yourself, the world, other people and the future, we’re going to get you to focus on developing new and more positive core beliefs. In order to do that, we want you to think about how you’d like to be, how you’d like the world and other people to be, what you’d like the future to look like. As the first step towards developing more positive core beliefs we’d like you to ask and answer the following questions. Write out your answers in the space provided before you move on to the next page: Questions about Yourself 1. What would you like to be like? 2. What kind of person would you like to be? 3. How would you like to behave? 4. What would you like to believe about yourself? 5. How would you be acting differently if you believed that about yourself?