An article on msnbc today discusses how to reduce your risk of breast cancer. According to the article, a women’s chance of getting breast cancer in a lifetime is one in nine. Here are 6 of the 8 ways the article suggested to reduce your risk:
1. Maintain your weight – if you maintain a healthy weight you are less likely to have breast cancer; especially if you maintain a healthy weight after menopause
2. Exercise – exercise helps health immensely, women who work out regularly have 20% less chance at developing breast cancer
3. Reduce alcohol intake- the less you drink the less likely you are to get breast cancer
4. Eat more Soy! – studies have shown that women who’s diet is high in soy have a lowered risk of developing breast cancer
5. Eat your veggies – the article stated that women who have already been diagnosed with breast cancer were less likely to develope other tumors if they increase their fruit and veggie intake
6. Quit smoking and avoid second hand smoke – Smoking can increase your risk of breast cancer by 20%. Long term exposure to second hand smoke can increase your risk by 70%!