Hi, I am PeteysMom. I am not sure what to write here but I might as well say I am dx with MDD, PTSD, ADD, and GAD. I take a ton of different meds and the list of meds I have taken in the past is even longer. I am highly functioning and studying to be a pastor. I am also dilligently searching for a "day" job , because I will be a part time pastor when I finish my studies. Right now I am going through some major tough times which have me in a huge depression. My Mother was dx with stage IV Lung Cancer over a year ago and is in the final stages of her life. Anyone who tells you to " enjoy those precious last few months with a dying loved one" has never lived through it. Trust me I have been through it twice now and it is hell ! The patient lashes out on the primary caregiver like the caregiver is Satan ! I am also struggling with long term unemployment. I graduated with my BA almost 2 years ago and between caring for Mom and getting turned down for the jobs I did go for I am severely depressed ! I also have gained about 80 pounds from Remeron which seems to be the only AD that works on me right now, so that I now weigh well over 300 and have no self esteem. I can't believe anyone would still be reading this but if you are thanks for listening. It feels good to write it out anyway.