I haven't been able to log in here for some time - or when I have the questionaire used to catch up seemed to be faltering and I could not seem to respond to discussions...long story short I really would have enjoyed posting on occassion, and appreciate this new line of topics on getting to know members.
Lynn, I can empathise. I'm on my way out of a depressive episode, only to discover I am not happy with/or have stressors in my life that I am not responding to well. Whilst in the midst of a depression, it is said/thought that one is not experiencing a full range of emotions. Often, we feel down or neutral. Once out of the depression handling full emotions can be difficult - and that's where I feel I am at right now. I wonder if you're experiecing a similar adjustment in coming off your medication.
I'm glad you joined. I have been suffering from depression for a long time as well. I know what it's like to cry at the drop of a hat, to be fine one minute and angry/frustrated the next. Depression is a hard thing to overcome but, with some work, things do get better.
I have been doing this program for about 7 weeks. At first, I didn't know if it would work and I had to put a lot of time into the homework. But I am feeling better than I was. The homework is the key. You HAVE to do the homework and it DOES get better. I find it helps as well to have someone to talk with about how you are feeling. I hope you have someone who won`t judge you and who will just listen.
You have made a good step by joining up here. We are here for you.
Welcome to our forum. I'm sure you are not alone and you have several caring members online that can offer you support. I'm sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time.
How have you been dealing with the current stress? Have you talked to your Dr. about the changes you're experiencing since coming off the meds? Have you a support network, apart from the DC forum, one that is close by that you can reach out to for help?
To start, I suggest reading through the sections on the Depression Program in the 'Toolbox'. It will help you better understand topics like depression, mood patterns and challenging negative thoughts.
I'm glad you found us. Let us know how you are doing -we are here for you!
Hi, I'm new here. I have suffered from depression for a while now. Recently, I came off my medication, dr's orders. I am having a tough time handling things. I'm not sure if I need to be back on the meds.
Some days are so much worse than others. I am so emotional it's embarassing. I cry at the drop of the hat and am very irritable. There are some stressors in my life right now & I'm not dealing with them very well.
Are there any others going through something similar? I'd love to talk to anyone who has any sort of input for me.