Miffy, I don't know why some women lose interest in sex. I do know some antidepressants supress the libido but am not sure about all of them. I've not had that issue, lol, I don't have a husband and was alone for four years before I was healthy enough to enter a relationship and of course it takes a while to get to the intimacy and connectedness in a relationship. Having that connection and the intimacy makes me feel better sometimes. It doesn't take away the depression or the anxiety though.
As far as the games, etc. I dunno if it's an addiction. I use my computer and this website and my music, tai chi and exercise to try to get my mind of things. I think we all need something. Are you doing everything else he expects you to do? Are there any other expectations. Would you be willing to forego the games for watching a movie with him, or going on a "date"? Ice cream is a great date (my opinion).
Have you identified the source (thoughts) that result in the anger and frustration? What are they? (don't have to tell me, just think about it). Are the thoughts something you can challenge throught working these sessions?
I do think we need a healthy balance between our interests and our responsibilities and taking care of ourselves. I used to sleep 24/7. I call it Ostrich Syndrom because all I was doing was avoiding. When I woke up every issue was all around and more. It only snowballed! I had to wake up, get up and take one thing at a time. Make a goal, put it in your goals, simple, easy goals. I will not play games for 30 min. each day and spend time with my husband, increase it to an hour later, then 2 hours. Add other activities you need to do later on.
Why do things need to be done your way? Are you wanting to do these things for yourself and can't/don't? I'm just asking to spark some thinking.
Work the sessions, find the thoughts behind the anger and frustration. Challenge them and work toward balance. That is easier said than done it's taken me a while, but I never dreamed I'd get to where I am today. I have my moments of Ostrich Syndrom but that's okay, I let myself, take naps, but not 24/7 sleep. I give myself time to do things and try to set little achievable goals to accomplish each day.
Keep us posted on how things go! I've been dizzy again, so not been around much! Looking forward to your reply and if the questions helped you.